Saturday, September 26, 2009

09/24/2009 - Harper comes over for a visit

Just prior to our departure for China we learned that there was another couple in our group traveling to China who live just a short drive from us. Karen and I first met them at the check in line at the airport. We vowed that our daughters would have the opportunity to grow up knowing each other and we have already followed through on the beginning steps with a visit this week. Heather was happy to share her toys with Harper. Here's a picture of the girls on the front porch swing.

Here's a great picture of Heather gathering flowers. She has such a cute expression on her face in this one.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm jealous! You guys are very fortunate to live so close to one another. It will be great for the girls! Everyone is looking good and rested!
