Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas day

Heather's first Christmas and she got just about everything that she wanted from Santa. She saw her Doll House through the stair rails and a huge smile broke out on her face. She also got the doll that she wanted and a convertible carriage/stroller for her baby. There were several other items but these were the ones that grabbed her interest right from the start. Each present we gave her to open initiated a question, Is this for Heather? She smiled each time she was told that the present was hers. Here are two videos of this magical morning.

Christmas afternoon it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's to join the rest of the family for the traditional Killackey Holiday dinner of Turkey and Ham and of course all the other staples of the Holiday. I'm always responsible for the mashed potatoes. I peeled, sliced, boiled, and smashed 10 lbs worth. Then loaded up the car with all of the presents for the nieces and nephews and a case of cold ones along with the mashed potatoes.
The dinner was excellent and no one went away unsatisfied. There were plenty of leftovers for everyone to take home and enjoy the next day. Then it was time for the gift exchange. Grandma took up a new hobby this year and knitted all the children and the girls caps and scarves. Everyone posed for pictures sporting there new winter wear though this was the one time last night that it appears Heather had had enough of picture taking. Karen and I had purchased silk outfits for our younger nieces so Heather, Brooke, and Libby changed into their chinese silk outfits to pose for pictures. They were all very cute in their attire. Heather is very much at home with her little cousin Brooke, she was even prepared to spend the night at Grandma's with Brooke and Nicholas but when we told her we wouldn't be there she quickly changed her mind and said she wanted to go home with us. Guess she's not quite ready for sleep overs yet!!

Christmas Eve 2009

Karen and Mom below and Karen, me, Heather, Mom and Dad above
Heather and Harper kicking back together
Harper in the kitchen


Our new friends and fellow travelers to China Chris, Catherine and Harper joined us Christmas eve at our house. Heather and Harper came home together from China and have seen each other several times since getting home. They are both doing so well and are both adjusting to being Americans.

Heather who spoke Chinese only just a few months ago is now speaking in English and when I attempt to speak to her in Chinese she says no I speak English. If I ask her in Chinese if she is Chinese she responds in Chinese, I'm American. Sure didn't take her long there. She was all excited about Santa coming tomorrow and kept talking about the baby and doll house that he would be bringing her.

Thanksgiving 2009

Each year we celebrate Thanksgiving with those of our family who are home for the Holiday. This year everyone was able to get together at my sister's house. All were happy to welcome Heather and it was as if she had always been part of the family. Here are a few pictures of all the kids gathered around the kids table enjoying their turkey and deep conversation.

What are you going to get for Christmas?
Whats Christmas?
Do you think they'll pass Health Care by the end of the year?
What's Healthcare?
I go to day care!!!
Who do you think will win the game today?