Saturday, September 5, 2009

09/05/2009 -

Today had its ups and downs. First off we had our appointment for Heather’s medical  so we met the others in our group downstairs and she seemed to be fine with all the other girls around. When we got to the clinic she became unsettled but was quickly calmed down by an older lady doctor who either put the fear of God in Heather or reminded her of one of her caretakers, nonetheless she behaved from then on. She really has become attached to Karen in the last few days and it is so cute to see her reach for her mama. She enjoyed eating lunch with everyone and then coming in for a nap which was a little difficult since her normal nap time had already passed, perhaps next time we will just skip the nap if we are not able to keep to her routine. This evening after dinner down by the Pearl river we had a learning session with Heather teaching us how to pronounce Mandarin words for common items, fruits, vegetables, stars, the moon, and body parts and she demonstrated her ability to say name the items in English with our help. She is one bright little tike, watch out Georgia here comes Heather. Tomorrow we are off to the zoo, hopefully we will be able to see a Panda or two. See the picture here of Heather and I after a quick spin around the hotel lobby of Heather smiling, it truly is a beautiful smile when she shows it. As we pass people here we hear some of them commenting on how beautiful she is and we couldn’t agree more but then again she is our Princess.


Good night,

Tom and Karen



  1. Look at that smile! No wonder Heather is turning heads. She is simple beautiful! It sounds like she's turned a corner and is beginning to let down her guard. Glad that things are going so well. Emma was thrilled when I showed her the blog. She knew it was Jing right away (another smart 3 year old)and was so happy she was with her mom and dad. She hopes you get to see pandas at the zoo. The kids all want to go back to China and see them, too. Have a wonderful time.

  2. What a precious little girl! So worth waiting for, no? :) We didn't get to go to the zoo, so I'm looking forward to hearing about it and seeing your pics.
